long entry.....
I’ve been cursed to set for a sup-paper every main exam… *cry* yes the results are out. They’ve been out for quite a while now. All Cs and an F, guess for which module. JAVA! I hate JAVA and I’m starting to hate the teacher who teaches JAVA. It’s really stressful to do JAVA. Anyone who likes doing JAVA and has fun doing it. You are a geek to me. My GPA has dropped from 2 to 1.88. Looks like I will always be a average student. Anyway many things have happened since I last blogged. Been busy helping with my uncle with his sound system and tried playing the xbox360. That I need to get use to. It’s quite fun playing the games like “gears of war” and “dirt” but cause i don’t know how to controls it just easily turns me off. But I will try playing it again. I’ve got some photos of what have been happening. Today was alright. Was kinda tired due to the fasting month. Followed my mom to Plaza Singapore then to Little India. And I finally got to taste of porridge of a mosque which used to be my playground when I was younger. As I stepped in all the wonderful happy times I had there was so overwhelming that a tear just rolled down my face. I miss playing in front of the mosque till 6 in the evening then we would head over to my grand mother’s place which was right next to the mosque, to shower. There use to be a young gentleman who was close to me. He just loves twins and the would dress me and my twin. And ever since the mosque was redone, I never saw him again till 3 years ago. He looked the same. But since I grew up I found a little difficult to talk to me or to approach him. And too my surprise he got married and had twins of his own. Two handsome twin boys if I’m not wrong. Well…we’ll talk about that some other time for now it’s time for me to go…here are some pics for ya….enjoy

the new mosque

kids giving out porridge

the old mosque

saturday's indian wedding

me left alone again to handle the equpiments

Alvin and my uncle left me alone...


me trying to be a coq girl again

another wedding i was left alone to handle everything...

caught doin something else while on the job....

i was testing to see if the dice was stable...he he he...