Killing My Heart, Soul, Mind by Chelsea Lybbert
A searing pain stabs its way into my heart,
It grabs a hold and pulls the pain down,
The knife digs deeper and deeper,
It makes a line toward my chest,
My chest becomes heavy,
It's now difficult to breathe,
Something has a grab on my lungs,
And squeezes the life from me.
It wrings and rips my insides to pieces,
It's stuck on tight and won't let go.
Misery and desolation run through my head,
Causing the pain to soar again.
Thinking of you made me happy,
But the pain then came again.
Taking me over,
Taking me under,
Taking me down with it.
I spiral into depression,
A hold I cannot come out of,
A void of darkness,
A place of hatred,
A place of pain,
A place of death.
My soul struggles to be free,
My heart aches to be whole,
My head wants to be light,
I want to be able to breathe one more time