long time no update....hiaz....
Wow! Its been awhile since I updated all to sum up everything that happened so…I just turned 23. yes I’m that old. I’ve graduated from school. YES! That is the one of the best bday present I’ve ever gotten. The other bday presents was a Care Bear teddy, the 2nd edition of Twlight: Newmoon a gift from Hafiz, another Sidney Sheldon novel to add to my collection…wee….and a brand new phone. The sad thing was that my eldest sister and bro-in-law forgot it was my bday and how they found out is all thanks to a parking coupon. She only found out when my sister was cutting out the date.
Other than that, right now I’m jobless. It’s a little depressing due to the position, I am at home. My own twin told me that I was useless. So I’m really looking forward to a job now. Even if it’s a temp position I’d take it. At least I would have $$$$. I’ve been going to my uncle’s office doing some quotations and stuff. Pretty cool but confusing with the different prices and the names of productions quoted. But nonetheless its good experience when I get a job. Which I hope is soon.
Oh and another thing sis if you are reading which I’m sure you are. Please stop asking me why I’m not choosing the police force. If you had noticed your little sis has changed. She’s not the tom boy who loves the police force anymore. She has turned into a LADY. Yes I still might go for training and all but that is for my fitness. So ask mom to stop asking me as well. Thank you. As for me being jobless don’t worry I’m looking for a job now.